23 diciembre 2010

Feliz Navidad - Happy Christmas - Frohe Weihnachten - Καλά Χριστούγεννα - Честита Коледа - 明けましておめでとうございます - Bon Nadal amics - Zorionak eta urte berri on

Feliz Navidad
Happy Christmas
Frohe Weihnachten
Καλά Χριστούγεννα
Честита Коледа
Bon Nadal amics
Zorionak eta urte berri on


13 diciembre 2010

Emprendiendo con Bachbill

El mercado de los contenidos digitales ha estado creciendo desde hace ya varias años y la manera de ofrecer y comercializar los contenidos se ha hace más elaborada para hacerla más atractiva y, a la vez, aumentar la fidelidad de los clientes a la marca.
Es frecuente ofrecer varios tipos de contenidos empaquetados en una sola oferta. Las subscripciones son, desde hace ya tiempo, un mecanismo muy efectivo de fidelizar clientes.

Bachbill es una herramienta de facturación con la que se puede diseñar planes de precios de manera sencilla y muy flexible para la venta de contenidos digitales o contenidos físicos.

Estaré a cargo de la parte de Ventas y Marketing en esta empresa.

Estad atentos en nuestro websiteblogtwitter y facebook.

Entrepeneurship - Bachbill

Digital Content has been a ramping up market for some years already. The way the content is offered to customers is becoming more and more elaborated.

Nowadays, and more on this is coming, various contents are bundled and offered as a package. Subscriptions are also a key mechanism of customer retention and simplifies the purchasing experience.
Bachbill supports in a flexible and easy to customize way, the pricing and billing of digital or physical content and we see business opportunities here.

I am running the Sales & Marketing activities of the company.

Stay tuned on our websiteblogtwitter and facebook.

27 noviembre 2010


Just signed up to Diaspora .... http://joindiaspora.com

Well, actually, to the email list of Diaspora.
Anyway, it is funny, they do not support Internet Explorer, only "modern browsers" are supported ;-)

11 noviembre 2010

¡¡¡ Soy candidato a Castellano-Manchego por el mundo !!!

Hola Mariano!

Muchas gracias por escribirnos. Nos encantará ir a grabarte y conocer todo aquello contigo. Cuando puedas envíame un email con tus teléfonos contacto y contándome cosas sobre tu vida allí, lo que te apetezca: de dónde eres de Castilla La Mancha exactamente, tu edad, a qué te dedicas allí, qué diferencias has encontrado al vivir fuera de España..., lo que se te ocurra.

Ah, y si conoces más castellano-manchegos por allá no dejes de pasarnos su datos; cuántos más seais, antes iremos para allá.

Bienvenido y gracias de nuevo.

Un abrazo fuerte.


"Castellano-manchegos por el mundo"

10 noviembre 2010

Receta: cómo usar software libre para promocionar el conocimiento abierto

Paso a paso:
  • Se descarga, instala y configura el software de Ushahidi, se requiere Apache, PHP y MySQL - texturas de Ushahidi.
    Es importante evitar que el RSS feed de los eventos registrados repose. Para ello, sin dejar de remover, se envía cada evento a la cuenta de twitter, a la página de Facebook, se sube como PDF a slideshare, se anuncia como shout en Foursquare, que aparezca como nuevo post en la página de Linkedin y se crea como evento en XING. Ah, se reserva un poco para el agregador de noticias que cocinaremos luego.
  • Se descarga, instala y configura el software de Elgg, se requieren, de nuevo, Apache, PHP y MySQL, los tres otra vez, es como salpimentar, van siempre.
    Se crean grupos y páginas según se necesiten, una para cada país (España y Sudamerica) y páginas para temas varios: frasecitas de Richard Stallman, anuncios de nuevos plugins instalados, open government … y se espeeeeera a que los comensales lo rellenen de contenido aportando sabores novedosos.
  • Para dar a los followers algo más que eventos, se genera, a modo de aperitivo, un agregador de noticias relacionadas con el software libre y el conocimiento abierto en general.
    Para ello se seleccionan blogs con contenido fiable, frecuente, pero no spam. (aquí se explica en detalle cómo). Ojo, no se puede dejar solo, unas veces hay demasiadas noticas y otras veces hay demasiado pocas, hay que vigilar la parrilla.
  • Se crea un wiki de acompañamiento, para publicar nuestro propio trabajo, el código que hemos desarrollado, explicar cosas …
Se remueve todo, se hace un post corto, pero intenso y se deja cocer.

Mientras cuece, se piensa en como monetizar este trabajo … los adSense instalados no dan ni para cubrir el hosting … ¿y si ofrecemos este mismo servicio a otras asociaciones? Alguien que necesite registrar y publicar incidencias geolocalizadas y reportadas por mucha gente (crowdsourcing), quizá la Cruz Roja o Médicos sin Fronteras.

Bueno, quien sabe en qué quedará este cocido maragato con bratwurst.

05 noviembre 2010

¿Para qué sirve Ushahidi?

Así, en una sola frase: “Ushahidi es un software (libre) desarrollado para registrar y publicar incidencias geolocalizadas reportadas por un grupo numeroso de personas.

Se ha usado en situaciones de emergencia cuando la información debe fluir de manera rápida, flexible y de primera mano, por ejemplo, en el terremoto de Haití, en las inundaciones de Pakistán, en Etiopía (en donde estoy contento de haber podido echar una mano) y nosotros los usamos en www.calendariolibre.com para registrar eventos relacionados con el software libre.

El mecanismo de reporte es muy flexible y permite que las incidencias se reporten por email, por twitter, identi.ca, por la web y por SMS. Para evitar spam, se requiere un paso de aprobación y verificación de la información reportada.

Las incidencias aprobadas. se representan en un mapa en la página principal y se pueden filtrar por categorías, por fecha y por lugar.

También se genera un RSS feed con todas las incidencias, con el que, si el objetivo es publicar y promover las incidencias, se puede utilizar para enviar a redes sociales tales como twitter, identi.ca, facebook, slideshare, XING, linkedin, blogs …

Si un usuario está interesado en las incidencias de un área en concreto, puede definir alertas y recibirá un email por cada nueva incidencia que ocurra en la zona que hayas definido.

Qué le falta a Ushahidi?
Le falta una comunidad de desarrollo dinámica que desarrolle add-ons de manera frecuente, que esté involucrada en los foros y que responda a los webmaster rápidamente. Pero bueno, seamos positivos, eso vendrá con el tiempo y cuando el uso de la plataforma crezca.

Así que venga, todos a usar Ushahidi.

21 octubre 2010

Como montar un agregador de noticias

Con toda la humildad del mundo, voy a contar aquí cómo he montado un agregador temático de noticias. Más que con el ánimo de enseñar, con el de compartir.
>> Servicios:
  He utilizado dlvr.it para gestionar los feeds, tanto entrantes como salientes. Tiene un interfaz muy fácil de manejar, es bastante fiable, es gratuito y no tiene ningún límite significativo en su funcionalidad, en definitiva, un magnífico producto.
  He utilizado tumblr.com como contenedor de los posts y, aunque no lo había usado antes, ya veis que mi blog están en blooger, me parece otro producto muy muy bueno.
  He utilizado bit.ly como acortador de URLs, que me dar estadísticas de uso casi en tiempo real, con informes de la última hora, últimas semana y últimos tres meses. Si no quieres, dlvr.it tiene su propio acortador de URLs.
>> Cómo seleccionar la fuentes:
He utilizado varios métodos, uno ha sido mirar las fuentes de otros agregadores similares, en mi caso, sigo de cerca a www.softwarelibre.net que hace un trabajo magnífico que me ayuda mucho, también chequeo memeame.net, genbeta.com y, por supuesto, news.google.es.
Tengo todos los blogs mencionados en mi RSS reader (Google reader) y las reviso unas 4 o 5 veces diarias, cuando veo una noticia que me interesa, voy al original, veo los posts anteriores y, si me encajan, añado la fuente al agregador.
También hago búsqueda dentro de tumblr y si me gusta el post, le hago reblog, pero si me gusta el blog entero, pues lo añado también.
Con news.google.es hago busqueda de los términos relevantes de este tema "software libre", "gobierno abierto", "linux", "firefox", etc.
>> Cómo agregar los feeds:
Utilizando dlvr.it, cómo he comentado antes, es sencillo revisar cada cierto tiempo cada unos de los feeds y enviarlos al blog agregador. Para indentificar fácilmente la procedencia, he puesto una etiqueta entre corchetes al final de cada post. Por ejemplo: [amedioentender] del blog amedioentender.blogspot.com.
Todos los posts quedan acumulados en el blog de tumblr que, como permite fácilmente cambiar la URL de algo asi como "misuperblog.tumblr.com" a "blog.midominio.com", pues queda bastante presentable.
   Con esto ya tendríamos el blog con las fuentes agregadas, pero, además hay que darle visibilidad y enviarlo a las redes sociales.
>> Cómo distribuir los posts
De nuevo, dlvr.it sirve como herramienta para distribuir los posts. Eso si, lo he configurado para que lea un sólo post por hora y no inundar a los seguidores de twitter o facebook con muchos post a unas horas y que no se queden aburridos a otras horas.
>> Configuración actual:
- Nuestras fuentes:
- Nuestras redes sociales:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/eventosabiertos
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Calendario-Hispano-de-Eventos-Abiertos/260294840623?ref=ts
Identi.ca: http://identi.ca/eventosabiertos
Foursquare: http://foursquare.com/user/3531374
- Los resultados de noticias.calendariolibre.com:
empezamos el 10 de Octubre y hoy, día 21, estamos en torno a unos 100 clicks diarios, con twitter como primer referente, seguido de Facebook.
También vemos clicks directos desde el blog, de gente que se ha añadido el blog agregador como fuente RSS a su lector de feeds. En suma, resultados prometedores, de momento.

Pero no se nos debe olvidar que "solo" somos un agregador y que éste será tan bueno como las fuentes que agregamos.

16 octubre 2010

PHP code to get timezone from latitude and longitude

It is as simple as taking your latitude and longitude from your location and calling geonames.org webservice using the code below


Update: sorry, "<" was not replaced by "& lt;" and neither did ">" by "& gt;"
$latitude = .....
$longitude = .....
$geonames_call ="http://ws.geonames.org/timezone?lat=" . $latitude . "&lng=" . $longitude;
$output = file_get_contents( $geonames_call );
preg_match("/<timezoneId>(.*?)<\/timezoneId>/ims", $output, $matches);
$timezone = $matches[1];
echo "Timezone = ", $timezone, "<br/>

PHP code for reverse geocoding

"Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic coordinates (like latitude 37.423021 and longitude -122.083739), which you can use to place markers or position the map. The Google Geocoding API provides a direct way to access a geocoder via an HTTP request. Additionally, the service allows you to perform the converse operation (turning coordinates into addresses); this process is known as "reverse geocoding." "
from http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/

Below you can find the PHP code (written by myself) to get the different properties of an address, given the latitude and longitude


Update: sorry, "<" was not replaced by "& lt;" and neither did ">" by "& gt;"

// get latitude and longitude
$latitude = ..........
$longitude = .........

// XML schema and options for api calls
// are described in http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/
$mapapis_call ="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?latlng=" . $latitude . "," . $longitude . "&sensor=false";

$output = file_get_contents( $mapapis_call ); 

// Status of the call
preg_match("/<status>(.*?)<\/status>/ims",$output, $matches);

// Formatted address 
preg_match("/<formatted_address>(.*?)<\/formatted_address>/ims",$output, $matches);
$address = $matches[1];

// Address components with all information of the address
preg_match_all( "/<address_component>(.*?)<\/address_component>/ims", $output, $components, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );

// For every component
foreach( $components as $component )
//  Loop for each address component
foreach( $component as $element )
preg_match( "/<type>(.*?)<\/type>/ims", $element, $matches );
$type = $matches[1];

preg_match( "/<long_name>(.*?)<\/long_name>/ims", $element, $matches );
$long_name = $matches[1];

preg_match( "/<short_name>(.*?)<\/short_name>/ims", $element, $matches );
$short_name = $matches[1];

switch( $type )
case "locality":
$ciudad = $long_name;
case "country":
$country = $short_name;
case "postal_code":
$postal_code = $long_name;


13 octubre 2010

An example of how to keep users unhappy --- The Live Mesh beta is coming to an end

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Windows Live Team
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 19:13:43 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: The Live Mesh beta is coming to an end
To: me

You're receiving this message because you used the Live Mesh
beta from Microsoft. On March 31, 2011, the beta of Live Mesh will
and the Live Mesh beta will stop working. After March 31,
you won't be able to access any files stored online in your Live
or connect to your PCs remotely using the Live Mesh software.
Your files will also stop syncing between your computers and your
Live Mesh online storage. Please read below for actions we
recommend you take.

With the new release of Windows Live services, we've made a
series of changes and improvements across the products. We realize
they will have an impact on you and we want to make that as
easy as possible for you. We thank you for your continued support
of Windows Live services.

Why is this happening?

To deliver a better product for all our customers, we combined
several services into a new product called Windows Live Mesh.
Windows Live Mesh has several performance and reliability
improvements compared to the Live Mesh beta, and with Windows Live
Mesh, you can also sync your program settings for Internet
Explorer and Microsoft Office.

What you need to do before Live Mesh beta shuts down
To prevent loss of any of your files, please sync all files
from your Live Desktop so that you have them on your
computer when the Live Mesh beta service is shutdown. To do
this, follow these steps:

On your Live Desktop, right-click any Live Mesh folders not
yet synced with your computer, and
then click Sync with this computer. Make sure all the
folders on your Live Desktop have desktop shortcuts.
Select where you want each folder to sync, and then click OK
If a folder has a lot of files,
this might take a while. Open each folder and make sure all
the files are downloaded.

What you can do moving forward

If you enjoyed the functionality of Live Mesh, we encourage
you to install the new Windows Live Mesh. You will first need to
uninstall the Live Mesh beta, and then go to
to get the latest version of Windows Live
Mesh. Before you do this, note the folders that you're
syncing on each computer and if they're shared with anyone.
After you download Windows Live Mesh, you can set up these
folders to sync again.
Learn more about how to upgrade

Thank you for participating in the Live Mesh beta. We hope
you choose to move to Windows Live Mesh.


The Windows Live team

Why is this happening?
For the last couple of years, Microsoft has offered
two similar services for syncing your files:
Live Mesh beta and another service, called Windows Live Sync,
which let people sync large folders of files
between PCs. To deliver a better product for all our
customers, we decided to combine these sets of features
into a new product called Windows Live Mesh.

Note: Windows Live Mesh is available only for Windows 7,
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Mac OS X version 10.5 or

What can I expect between now and the date the beta
service shuts down?
The Live Mesh beta service will continue to run
until March 31, 2011. However, we will no longer
accept new beta participants. You won't be able to share Live
Mesh folders with someone unless they already
have Live Mesh installed. On March 31, 2011, you will no
longer be able to sign in to Live Mesh beta on
your PC, Mac, or on the web.

12 octubre 2010


As I already told in this blog, Calendariolibre.com has been promoting open source related events for quite a while and every event created in the Ushahidi platform is sent across some other social networks:
Although the main purpose of calendariolibre.com was, and still is, to promote and make those events visible, we thought we could give more value to our followers telling them what is going on in the open knowledge area, adding some headlines news on open source software and hardware, open government, open data ... open knowledge, in general.
We searched for an existing and similar news aggregator and, since they did not reply to our collaboration offer, we decided to do it by ourselves and did set up noticias.calendariolibre.com using tumblr as the underlying blogging platform and dlvr.it to manage the rss feeds.
How it works - veeeeery easy
Step 1: blogs are checked every 15 minutes and new posts are copied to our blog.
Step 2: Every hour the most recent post of our blog is sent to social networks mentioned above.
And results ... so far, so good.
Anybody can submit news to the aggregator here and, after admin approval, it will be posted.
You can suggest any blog to be added on regular basis as a comment to this post or ... anywhere.

27 septiembre 2010

... merging my three blogspot blogs ....

Do not ask me why but I had three blogs, I thought it was easier to have different blogs for the different areas I was publishing about.
Today, I merged the three of them in just five minutes as, happily for me, blogspot provides a straight forward way of merging blogs.

Open the blog to be exported
1.- Go to Settings > Basic
2.- Click on "Export" and "Download blog"
3.- Save the XML file in your hard disk

Open the blog where you want to import the above exported posts
1.- Go to Settings > Basic
2.- Click on "Import" and select the file you previously saved
3.- I suggest you leave "Automatically publish all imported posts" unchecked so you have the opportunity to review the posts prior to publish them

That is all !!!

21 septiembre 2010

I am web mastering and promoting calendariolibre.com

calendariolibre.com is a website to compile, comment on, document and give visibility to events related to open government, open data, open software, open hardware and, in general, open knowledge.

We are setting up a social network to facilitate sharing and communication among individuals and organizations involved or willing to get involved in those areas.

We need beta testers to drive us to the main and most useful features.
Ah, so far, all is in Spanish but I am sure it is not an obstacle for any of you.
Go ahead, sign up and contribute to the open knowledge ....

02 septiembre 2010

What an online social network is

As wikipedia well defines, a social network service is "a platform that focuses on building social relations among people" and I sometimes have wondered what a social network is and what is not. Let us go through it.

Some well known examples of online social networks are: Facebook, Linkedin, Xing, MySpace, Twitter, Tuenti (mostly in Spain and recently acquired by Telefonica) ...

An online social network intends to replicate the real world relationships and as, in real world, every person may be related to those with similar interests and likes, they also may be related to others who are contacts of the their contacts or with a shared past, like same university, same home town, whatever that would make you have a relationship of any kind, may be a good reason to keep such relationship in an online social network with the difference that the geographical distance does not play any role, one can be related to any person with internet access.

An online social network should provide users with some services:
:- a blog where to share status, links, pictures - wall on Facebook, timeline on Twitter, professional profile on Linkedin, ...
:- a messaging mechanism
:- a way to make and delete a friends - followers on Twitter, contact on Linkedin, ....
:- a way to group some individuals - lists on Twitter, groups on Facebook and Linkedin
:- a mechanism to manage the visibility of the information and messages shared
:- optionally, some platforms provide a chat engine.

Well, according to the above written, the instant messenging could be a social network or even the sms of your mobile ... the only difference I see is the usability of Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and the other guys is much better than your mobile ;-)

31 agosto 2010

Evolución de calendariolibre.com

Parece que hay ganas de evolucionar calendariolibre.com (@eventosabiertos) a una plataforma tipo red social en la que la interacción entre los participantes pueda ser mayor, no solo los eventos, también artículos, código fuente, documentos, fotos, vídeos ….

Hemos estado haciendo una primera evaluación de ELGG como software, que no por casualidad es también software libre, y tiene buena pinta. Está implementado en LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL y PHP) y tiene una comunidad de desarrollo relativamente activa (http://community.elgg.org/)

La versión de prueba, en versión Epsilon ;-) está en http://www.calendariolibre.com/elgg/html/ y os animo a que entréis, miréis las posibilidades que aporta y nos paséis vuestra opinión dentro de la propia red social o como comentarios a este post.

28 agosto 2010

Improving Project Management in Internet Services organizations

There is a number of opportunities of improving the way projects are managed in (some) Internet Services organizations.
- Scheduling approach
- Risk Management
- Reporting cycles
- Initiation phase
- Organization structure
- Agile software development integration
a work in progress slide deck is shared in the GDoc


  Prince2 is a process driven and clearly defined project management method which became the de-facto-standard for the UK public sector.
It defines seven processes, each of them consists of a number of activities.
  Processes are: Starting up a project, Initiating a project, Directing a project, Controlling a stage, Managing stage boundaries, Manage product delivery and Closing a project.
  It looks to me very oriented to managing outsourced projects and, to do so, it describes a sound framework to interact to the supplier: control their progress, initiate and close the project.

Notes from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRINCE2

27 agosto 2010

Extreme Programming

While Scrum is seen more as a Project Management framework, the Extreme Programming (aka XP) is more detailed and rather in the area of a methodology.

Its main goal is to improve software quality and responsiveness to customer requirement changes - which are expected as time passes and the problem is better understood.

In the traditional project management approach, customer requirements are intended to be agreed and frozen when project starts and any further change has to go through a change management process to get impact assessment, formal approval and project re-scoping which might lead to delays, re-engineering efforts and poor stakeholder satisfaction.

XP defines the methodology through a number of activities, values, rules and practices and for the sake of this post's length, I will go only through the Values as the foundation of the whole approach.

Values of XP must be shared and implemented by all team and stakeholders and are as follows:
-- Communication must be continous, preferably verbal, shared across the team and with frequent feedback.
-- Simplicity must drive every design effort in order to implement always the simplest solution that works for today's customer requirements and not for tomorrow's or next week's. We can put it in this way, implement as late as possible and assume the risks which this approach involves.
-- Feedback can come from three sources:
.- from the system when unit tests are run
.- from the the customer when acceptance tests are run
.- and from the team when a new customer requirement is estimated in effort.
-- Courage to design and code only for today's requirements, courage to refactoring when the needs comes, courage to persist on solving a complex problem. Courage is the value that empowers the team to take critical decisions because they are the best positioned to take them.
-- Respect for your own work and for other's work

Taking the above mentioned four values into account for every aspect of the project, provides benefits like flexibility, motivation amongst others.

These notes are based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming article and are not intending to amend or correct it

25 agosto 2010

Scrum: agile project management framework

Scrum is one of the agile project management frameworks, focussed on product development and, in particular, becoming relevant in software development, bringing flexibility and speed to the process.

--- The framework describes three roles with direct involvement, also called Pigs: Product Owner, Facilitator and Team.
:- The Product Owner is the link between the team and the business/customer. He/she sets priorities and writes requirements.
:- The
Facilitator or ScrumMaster removes impediments that hinder team to deliver goals.
:- The
Team develops and delivers the Product.
There is also Stakeholders, who justify the production, and Managers, who set up the environment. Both roles are known as Chickens.
It looks easy, doesn't it? And also it makes perfect sense.

--- Regarding the process, Scrum defines the meetings that should take place.
:- Daily Scrum meeting is held every day at the same time and same place, starts precisely on time and is timeboxed to 15 minutes. During the meeting, every team member covers three topics: progress since last meeting, job to do today and impediments preventing them from meeting their goals.
:- Post Scrum meeting is also held every day after the daily scrum, only one person per team attends and goes through issues on overlapping and integration areas. Meeting agenda is almost same as Daily Scrum's.
:- A key meeting of the process is the Sprint Planning Meeting, held at the beginning of the Sprint to define and plan the work to be done during the Sprint (typically a 7 to 30 working days period)
:- At the end of the Sprint, a Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Meetings are held to review the work done and raise process improvements.

--- As means of documentation, communication and reporting, three artifacts are used:
:- Product backlog: high level document with the requirements for the entire project and rough effort estimates. It is owned by the Product Owner.
Sprint backlog: gathers detailed information on the next Sprint, consisting of four to sixteen work hours effort tasks. It is owned by the Team.
Burn down: shows the remaining work of the current Sprint.

These notes are based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrum_(development) article and are not intending to amend or correct it.

21 agosto 2010

¿Por qué se necesita formación específica en Gestión de Proyectos?

  • La Gestion de Proyectos es una disciplina que en ocasiones se deja de lado en las titulaciones universitarias por considerar que, únicamente aplicando el sentido común, será suficiente.
  • La formación se debe centrar en marcos de trabajoframeworks que permitan definir los conceptos básicos.
  • Unicamente aplicando el sentido común, distintos Jefes de Proyecto, entenderán de forma distinta un mismo concepto
[seguir leyendo en la presentación de GDocs]

    17 agosto 2010

    You are eligible to renew your credential <<< Finally !!!!

    Dear Mariano Blaya Andreu,

    Congratulations on accumulating the necessary Professional Development Units (PDUs) to renew your PMP® credential. Please visit the certification section of our website at https://www.pmi.org/certapp/ to complete the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) process and submit payment.

    Please contact us at customercare@pmi.org if you have questions or concerns.

    Thank you,

    PMI Customer Care

    16 agosto 2010

    Preparing PMI-SP certification

    As a complement of the PMP (Project Management Professional) certification, PMI has created two more, namely, Scheduling Professional (SP) and Risk Management Professional, focussed on the respective knowledge areas.

    While preparing the PMI-SP exam and taking a training course (delivered by IIL) for that purpose, I realized an important issue I would like to share.

    Scheduling seems to be mostly related to Time and Cost Management areas and one can reasonably think they are the only chapters of the PMBok to study for the exam, beside "The Practice Standard for Scheduling" and I would like to point out that, although those chapters are key for the exam, there are some others related to Scheduling which must be reviewed as well: Integration, Scope, Human Resources, Communications and Risk Management.
    Those knowledge areas are related to the project scheduling function as the required to be taken into account to create, analyse, maintain and report the project schedule.

    09 agosto 2010

    Como hacer un café griego

    Lo primero. se necesita café griego, el ingrediente principal, pero ojo, tiene que ser griego, no vale cualquiera.
    Se mide en una taza la cantidad de agua que se quiere y se pone en un cacharro al fuego.
    Se echa el café en el agua, la cantidad, según el gusto de cada uno, por ejemplo, para una taza de desayuno, una cucharada y media es suficiente.
    Se añade azúcar, también al gusto de cada cual, y se renueve bien mientras que se empieza a calentar.
    Cuando están bien mezclados el café, el agua y el azúcar, se deja calentar hasta que suba un poco, no hace falta que llegue a hervir.
    Se sirve en la taza directamente, sin filtrar, y se deja reposar unos minutos, para que se enfríe y así el café se va al fondo de la taza.
    Tras unos minutos, se puede beber, pero no se debe remover, ya que si no, el café se vendría para arriba.

    Stin igia zas (salud)

    11 julio 2010

    Let us support Spain properly

    Advices to support Spain in the best way
    - Wear something red, a red t-shirt goes perfect today - there is no need for bulls or flamenco pictures on the t-shirt. Something yellow on top of the red t-shirt also goes.
    - España is pronounced [es'pania] in Spanish click
    - Netherlands is a great team, our job today is just to support Spain and not to criticize Dutch, let us be always positive.
    - Be ready to suffer the first half and part of the second, we will not do great until we face the last 15 minutes.
    - Try to learn the name of the players (Casillas, Ramos, Pique, Puyol, Capdevila, Xabi Alonso, Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta, Villa, Torres, Fabregas) but not where they are from, today it does not matter.
    - Conversations about octopus are allowed only until the match starts, after that, let us be serious.

    07 julio 2010


    Espaaaña, ra ra ra
    Espaaaña, ra ra ra
    Espaaaña, ra ra ra
    España, España y nadie más

    21 junio 2010

    Tema de conversacion de aqui al Viernes

    De aqui al Viernes, por supuesto, hay que hablar de fútbol y hay que parecer entendido, aportar datos estadisticos y sapiencia futbolistica.

    Si no estas muy puesto(a), aqui te paso una receta muy sencilla para dar el pego.
    Elige al azar una opción de cada grupo de los de abajo y forma una frase.

    1, 2, 3, 4 == Historicamente | nunca | nos ha favorecido | jugar despues de una victoria holgada frente a Honduras
    4, 3, 2, 1 == En la era Aragosnes-Del Bosque | en un 35% de las ocasiones | han sido una pesadilla | las situaciones de triple empate

    Grupo A:
    1) Historicamente
    2) En los ultimos 14 mundiales
    3) En la era Aragones-Del Bosque

    Grupo B:
    1) ... siempre ...
    2) ... nunca ...
    3) ... en un 35% de las ocasiones ...

    Grupo C:
    1) ... nos hemos encontrado comodos ...
    2) ... ha sido una pesadilla ....
    3) ... nos ha favorecido ...
    4) ... hemos sabido reaccionar a tiempo ...

    Grupo D:
    1) ... en las situaciones de triple empate.
    2) ... jugarlo todo a una carta contra equipos sudamericamos.
    3) ... partidos a cara de perro con Chile.
    4) ... jugar despues de una victoria holgada frente Honduras.

    Se aceptan mas alternativas, ponedlas en comentarios y actualizo el post

    España !!!!!!


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    19 junio 2010

    Sobre mi Sony VAIO

    Después de haber usado mi Sony Vaio durante algo más de un año, no estoy enteramente contento con él.
    Veo dos problemas, la duración de la batería y el peso.

    Me di realmente cuenta durante un congreso de tres días en el que pretendia utilizar el portátil para tomar notas de las conferencias. Bueno, pues me daba para las dos primeras conferencias solamente, a las dos horas, estaba muerto y como no habia enchufes disponibles en el recinto de FiraMilano (otro fallo) pues me tocaba tomar notas con papel y boli ... so old fashion ;-)

    El peso también lo note al tener que cargarlo todo día de una sala de conferencias a otra.

    Conclusion, el Sony Vaio no es realmente un ordenador portátil, sino mas bien un ordenador pequeño, bueno para tenerlo en casa, usarlo en el sofá, bien enchufadido y sin tener que cargarlo en una mochila.

    Aqui teneis el post de mis impresiones el día que lo compré post

    15 junio 2010

    Perform quantitative risk analysis

    As it is described in a previous post, when risk management is applied to the whole project plan in a quantitative manner, phase duration becomes a statistical distribution rather than a deterministic figure. It also allows having an overall impact estimation for individual risk or for the combined occurrence of more than one risk.

    This approach makes the project plan more realistic but also more complex and difficult to report and understand. Which of the two approaches should we use? Well, again, it depends on the specific project.

    Some of the results of such analysis might be: probability of finishing the project on time and / or within budget and contingency reserve estimated to ensure the required level of confidence
    One of the most known tools for this process is the Monte Carlo simulation and decision tree analysis.

    Notes taken during my study of "Practice standard for Project Risk Management" from PMI

    07 junio 2010

    Perform qualitative risk analysis

    The purpose of this process is to assess identified project risks in order to prioritize them. Such assessment consists of evaluating the probability that each risk will occur and the impact of each individual risk on the project objectives. Other factors can be: urgency or proximity, (un)manageability and external impact.

    As part of this qualitative analysis, the risks must be classified by their root cause as well as by the common effects. Looking at the most important root causes and common effects will help to drive mitigation efforts.
    Each risk must be assessed according to probability of occurrence.

    This qualitative analysis should be done on periodical basis throughout the project as the information to analyse risks will be more and different as the project moves forward.

    The deliverable of this process is a contribution to the risk register document; it adds information like impact, probability and priority to every identified risk. Typically, the high priority risks will be analysed in detail and monitored frequently while the low priority ones will placed in a watched list and reviewed less often.

    Notes taken during my study of "Practice standard for Project Risk Management" from PMI