24 mayo 2009


There is a place close to Aachen called "Dreiländereck" (in English, the Three Countries Corner) where Holland, Belgium and Germany meet in one point.
Landscape is amazing all around, very nice forests, quiet atmosphere, fat and tall cows and - this Sunday - also sunny and warm.
Anyway, what I really do like of this place is that you can look for traces of a border as long as you want but you will find nothing at all. Sometimes you can get confused and don't know in what country you are and, in such moment, it is when you say to yourself: "and ... who cares in what country I am?"
Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaalserberg
Google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=aachen&ie=UTF8&ll=50.755504,6.02113&spn=0.006272,0.020084&t=h&z=16&om=1

... a security guy ....

... the security guy approaches a couple during a tennis tournament break and says while pointing to a piece of paper beside them: "is it yours?", the couple say: "yes, it is" and the security guy, very politely but clearly, states: "please, make sure you take it with you before you leave, thanks" ....

... a security guy ....

... the security guy approaches a couple during a tennis tournament break and tells while pointing to the a piece of paper that was beside them: "is it yours?", the couple say: "yes, it is", the security guy, very politely but clearly, states: "please, make sure you take it with you when you leave, thanks" ....

18 mayo 2009

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